Saturday, September 8, 2012

Santa & Jesus Compared

Hmmm...Does Santa not strangly resemble Jesus?

Think about this...If you need to look up these verses just click on them :-)
1. Has white hair like wool         (Revelation 1:14 - Daniel 7:9)

2. Beard-curly and white                    (Isaiah 50:6 - Rev. 1:14)
3. Comes from North Pole                        (Ez. 1:4; Ex. 26-35 )

4. Omniscient-knows about all                     ( Revelation 19:6)

5. Ageless, eternal                    (Rev. 1:8,21:6; Hebrews 13:8)

6. Makes List of Judgments              (Rev. 20.12; 14:7; 21:27)

7. Checks list twice                                               ( 1 Cor.5:10)

8. Gifts given on basis of a list                  ( Rev. 21:27; 22:14)

9. Christmas rewards once yearly           ( Leviticus 23:26-32)

10. Confess wrongs to Santa                (I John 2:1, I Tim. 2:5)

11. Promise to be better next year       (John 14:15,21; 15:10)

12. Asks children to obey parents         ( Eph. 6:1; Prov. 6:20)

13. Hour of his coming a mystery    ( Luke 12:40; Mark 13:33)

14. Rudolph's shining nose to guide            ( Numbers 24:17)

15. Calls all children to his knee                           (Luke 18:16)

16. Be good for goodness sake                          ( Matt. 19:17)

17. Has a twinkle in his eye                           (Rev. 1:14, 2:18)

18. Swift visit to whole world in 1 day.                  (2 Peter 3:8)

19. Omnipresent-Found in every mall             (Psa. 139:7-10)

20. Says "Ho,ho"                                             ( Zecheriah 2:6)

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